Calhau (north Nazaré) to Sitio (naz08S)


Date & Time

Wednesday July 26, 2023 10:00

The Walk

The pine woods at Calhau and close to Praia do Norte

The first part is downhill through pine woods, followed by a section of quiet road and then uphill across open land with fine views along the coast. The next stage of the walk is uphill into the square at Sitio, we go along the road which leads to the fort on the headland. The final stage is partly on pavements through Sitio. Underfoot the ground is sandy and then a firm path.


The walk is about 6.5 km and is expected to take about 2 hrs

Car meeting and start point


The lay-by on the road next to the Lidl supermarket
The meeting point is on the northern side of Nazaré. Coming from the south side take the road from Nazaré to Marinha Grande (N242). The road by-passes Nazaré centre and ascends a long hill. At the top of the hill you come to a roundabout where there is a signpost to the Modelo supermarket (turn left at the roundabout). You join a dual-carriageway and after 100m you will see Lidl on the right and Modelo on the left. There is lay-by parking on both sides of the dual-carriageway.

39.611942, -9.063856
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.

Coffee Stop

At the end of the walk.  There are several cafés in Sitio.


  • Walk leader: Warren Yee
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