
alf06L – Long – Rio Alfeizerão, Cadarroeira, Casal Pardo

Walk location:  A circular walk from Alfeizerão through Cadarroeira on the eastern ridge.

Author:  John



alf06L – Long – Rio Alfeizerão, Cadarroeira, Casal Pardo Read More »

Casal Pardo, Casal Amaro (alf16L)

Walk location:   A circular walk from Alfeizerão through Casal Pardo on the eastern ridge.

Originator:  John


The Walk:  The walk climbs up a steep track which is probably overgrown and joins open tracks at the top. The route goes through a couple of villages, with open views inland, and then descends through farmland to the Rio Alfeizerão where the path will be muddy in wet weather. The middle part of the walk has open views.

Timing:  The walk is 10 km, about 2 hours.

Car Meeting Point:  The car park of the Pão do Ló café, close to the Alfeizerão A8 autoestrada exit, at 09:30 am. See the Notes section below for directions.

Deg, Min, Secs:    Latitude  39°29’52.97″N  Longitude   9° 5’44.25″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude  39.498047°       Longitude  -9.095625°

NB.  The flag on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps

Walk Start Point:  The same as the car meeting point.

Coffee Stop:  Pão do Ló café at end of walk-

Timing:  The walk is 10 km, about 2 hours.

Notes:   Directions to Pão do Ló café:

From Caldas da Rainha take the N8 or A8 to northwards.

From the N8 turn left under the motorway flyover signed Alfeizerão. At the motorway roundabout, go straight across.

From the A8 turn right at the motorway roundabout.

After about 100metres take second turning left; after the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door. Ignore the café with the same name on your right as you turn.

From São Martinho drive through Alfeizerão and turn right at the Pão do Ló café on the left. You will see a horse riding centre on the left as you leave the centre of Alfeizerão. After the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door.

See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Casal Pardo, Casal Amaro (alf16L) Read More »

Vale Paraíso Woodland walk (alf05S)

Walk location: A short walk (1.75 hrs) in woodland near to the village of Vale de Paraíso.

Originator: John

The Walk: The walk is through open and wooded countryside. It is flat and mostly on firm tracks, but sandy in places. Road walking is minimal.
We start in Alfeizerão and walk by Vale Paraíso to Sol Posto, then through cultivated fields and woods back to Vale Paraíso and Alfeizerão.

Timing: The walk is about 7 km and is expected to take about 1.75 hrs, plus extra for coffee.


Car Meeting Point: The car park of the Pão do Ló café, close to the Alfeizerão A8 auto-estrada exit, at 10:15 am. See the Notes section below for directions.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude    39°29’52.97″N       Longitude    9° 5’44.25″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude    39.498047°            Longitude   -9.095625°

Walk Start Point: A café at the back of the football ground.

Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude    39°30’5.15″N         Longitude    9° 6’1.41″W
Decimal Deg:    Latitude    39.501430°            Longitude   -9.100392°

Coffee Stop: After the walk there are a number of coffee places in Alfeizerão.

Timing: The walk is about 7 km and is expected to take about 1.75 hrs, plus extra for coffee.

Notes: Directions to Pão do Ló café:

From Caldas da Rainha take the N8 or A8 northwards.

From the N8 turn left under the motorway flyover signed Alfeizerão. At the motorway roundabout go straight across.

From the A8 turn right at the motorway roundabout.

After about 100metres take second turning left; after the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door. Ignore the café with the same name on your right as you turn.

From São Martinho drive through Alfeizerão and turn right at the Pão do Ló café on the left. You will see a horse riding centre on the left as you leave the centre of Alfeizerão. After the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door.

Contacts: See the walks’ email for telephone contact or send an email from the web site.

Last Walked:  17/04/2019

Vale Paraíso Woodland walk (alf05S) Read More »

alf02L – Long – Rio Alfeizerao, Mosqueiros, Casal Velho – 11 km

Walk location: This is a long walk (3 hrs, 10km) along the valley, inland from Alfeizerão.


The Walk: The walk follows the valley of the river Alfeizerão, then a detour uphill to the village of Mosqueiros. The path descends to the river valley and we continue upstream, crossing the river near to Casal Velho and following the river back to Alfeizerão.

There are two sections of quiet road walking.

NB the last time we did this walk the bridge was down a Casal Velho so we had to make a diversion. Following the walk in the reverse sense and making a new route to Mosqueiros should be investigated.

Timing: The walk is about 11 km and is expected to take about 3 hrs.

Car Meeting Point: The car park of the Pão do Ló café, close to the Alfeizerão A8 autoestrada exit, at 09:30 am. See the Notes section below for directions.

Deg, Min, Secs:   Latitude 39°29’52.97″N       Longitude 9° 5’44.25″W
Decimal Deg:      Latitude 39.498047°            Longitude -9.095625°

Walk Start Point: The same as the car meeting point.

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Coffee Stop: We can stop for a drink in Mosqueiros.

Notes: Directions to Pão do Ló café:

From Caldas da Rainha take the N8 or A8 northwards.

From the N8 turn left under the motorway flyover signed Alfeizerão. At the motorway roundabout go straight across.

From the A8 turn right at the motorway roundabout.

After about 100metres take second turning left; after the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door. Ignore the café with the same name on your right as you turn.

From São Martinho drive through Alfeizerão and turn right at the Pão do Ló café on the left. You will see a horse riding centre on the left as you leave the centre of Alfeizerão. After the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door.

Contacts: See the walks’ email for telephone contact or send an email from the web site.

Walk Route:

View walk route using “KML, KMZ Viewer with Drive”

(You can download the file using the above link)

alf02L – Long – Rio Alfeizerao, Mosqueiros, Casal Velho – 11 km Read More »

Sapateira, Macarca and Casal Pardo (alf01L)

Walk location: Alfeizerão and the ridge above (Raposos and Casal Pardo).


The walk: The walk follows quiet roads out of Alfeizerão and then a track to Macarca where we climb, up a wooded valley, to Raposos. There we walk through orchards and cultivated fields and descend into the same valley with a very steep climb up to Casal Pardo where there is a short stretch of road walking.

At Casal Pardo the track descends gently joining a minor road at the motorway viaduct – the track may be overgrown; the final kilometre is along roads including a stretch of the Alfeizerão to São Martinho road which is quite busy.

The walking on the ridge is through lovely, wild countryside with fine views of the bay of São Martinho.

Timing: The walk is about 10km and is expected to take about 3 hrs, plus extra for coffee.

Car Meeting Point: The car park next to the market at Alfeizerão at 09:30 am.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude 39°30’3.32″N    Longitude 9° 6’11.78″W

Decimal Deg:    Latitude 39.500923°        Longitude -9.103272°

Walk Start Point: The same as the car meeting point.

Coffee stop: There is an opportunity to stop in Casal Pardo or at the end of the walk.

Notes: Coming from the motorway roundabout into Alfeizerão (A8/N8) turn right – direction Famalicão – at the centre of Alfeizerão (by the Farmácia). The entrance to the car park is about 50 metres on the right opposite the band-stand. Coming from Famalicão you turn left opposite the band-stand.

View walk route using “KML, KMZ Viewer with Drive”

(You can download the file using the above link)

Sapateira, Macarca and Casal Pardo (alf01L) Read More »

Macarca and Raposos (alf03S)

Walk location:   A short walk (2 hrs) on Wednesday in the countryside in the area of Macarca and Raposos; between Alfeizerâo and Famalicâo.

Author:   John.


The walk:   The walk follows a fairly steep track up a valley, to Raposos; we walk to the edge of the village along a quiet road, with good views to the sea, then through cultivated fields and orchards before descending through the same valley, returning to Macarca. Parts of the ascent up the valley are steep and, in wet weather, there will be muddy stretches on the slope.

Timing:   The walk is about 5 km and is expected to take about 2 hrs, plus extra for coffee.

Car Meeting Point:   We meet at the Pão do Ló café, Alfeizerão (next to the petrol station) at 10:15 am. See the notes below for directions to the café.

Deg, Min, Secs:    Latitude  39°29’52.97″N   Longitude   9° 5’44.25″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude  39.498047°        Longitude  -9.095625°

Walk Start Point:   We drive to Marcarca and park in a cul-de-sac near to the motorway bridge.

Deg, Min, Secs:    Latitude 39°31’3.87″N     Longitude   9° 5’20.43″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude 39.517741°        Longitude  -9.089009°

NB.  The one or two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.  You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.

Coffee stop:  Coffee can be taken at the end of the walk.

Notes:   Directions to Pão do Lô café:

From Caldas da Rainha take the N8 or A8 northwards.

From the N8 turn left under the motorway flyover signed Alfeizerão. At the motorway roundabout go straight across.

From the A8 turn right at the motorway roundabout.

After about 100metres take second turning left; after the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door. Ignore the café with the same name on your right hand side as you turn.

From São Martinho drive through Alfeizerão and turn right at the Pão do Ló café on the left hand side. You will see a horse riding centre on the left as you leave the centre of Alfeizerão. After the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door.

Contact:  See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last walked:  03/04/19

Macarca and Raposos (alf03S) Read More »

Vale Paraíso woodland walk (alf04S)

Walk location:  A short walk (1.5 hrs) in woodland near to the village of Vale de Paraíso.


The Walk:  The walk is flat and sandy through open and wooded countryside. Road walking is minimal.  There may be the occasional large puddle and there is a short stretch through grass and possibly mud.

Timing:  The walk is about 6 km and is expected to take about 1.5 hrs, plus extra for coffee.

Car Meeting Point:  The car park next to the market at Alfeizerão at 10:15 am.

See the Notes section below for directions.

Deg, Min, Secs:    Latitude  39°30’3.40″N    Longitude   9° 6’11.52″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude  39.500944°       Longitude  -9.103200°

We will then drive in convoy to Vale de Paraíso. If there are many cars we will car share.

Walk Start Point: The village of Vale de Paraíso about 4 km from Alfeizerão.

Deg, Min, Secs:    Latitude  39°30’52.44″N  Longitude   9° 6’24.29″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude  39.514566°       Longitude  -9.106747°

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Coffee Stop:  After the walk we can drink coffee in a cafe in Alfeizerão.

Notes Directions to the market at Alfeizerão:

Coming from the motorway roundabout into Alfeizerão (A8/N8) turn right – direction Famalicão – at the centre of Alfeizerão (by the Farmácia). The entrance to the car park is about 50 metres on the right opposite the band-stand.

Coming from the São Martinho do Porto into Alfeizerão, turn left – direction Famalicão – at the centre of Alfeizerão (by the Farmácia). The entrance to the car park is about 50 metres on the right opposite the band-stand.

Coming from Famalicão you turn left into the car park opposite the band-stand.

Contacts:  See the walks’ email for telephone contact or send an email from the web site.

Walk created by: John

Vale Paraíso woodland walk (alf04S) Read More »

Cadarroeira and Alfeizeirão (alf11S)


Walk location: A linear walk from Cadarroeira on the ridge down to Alfeizerão.

Originator:  John

The Walk: The walk follows quiet roads and tracks through the villages of Cadarroeira and Casal Pardo then descends via a wooded track to Alfeizerão. The wooded track will be overgrown in places and muddy so good shoes are recommended. There are fine views of the coast and inland towards the Serra dos Candeeiros. There are gentle, undulating tracks/roads at the start followed by a long gentle descent to Alfeizerão.

In wet weather there may be soft mud and puddles in places and some long undergrowth.

Timing: The walk is 5.5 km, about 2 hours


Car Meeting Point: The car park of the Pão do Ló café, close to the Alfeizerão A8 (IC1) autoestrada exit, at 10:15 am. See the Notes section below for directions.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude  39°29’52.97″N  Longitude  09° 5’44.25″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude  39.498047°       Longitude    -9.095625°

Walk Start Point: The café Vale do Moinho in Cadarroeira.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude  39°29’36.04″N  Longitude   9° 4’56.22″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude  39.493343°       Longitude  -9.082282°

NB.  The one or two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.  You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.

Coffee Stop: Pão do Ló café.

Notes: Directions to Pão do Ló café:

From Caldas da Rainha take the N8 or A8 to northwards.

From the N8 turn left under the motorway flyover signed Alfeizerão. At the motorway roundabout, go straight across.

From the A8 turn right at the motorway roundabout.

After about 100metres take second turning left; after the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door. Ignore the café with the same name on your right as you turn.

From São Martinho drive through Alfeizerão and turn right at the Pão do Ló café on the left. You will see a horse riding centre on the left as you leave the centre of Alfeizerão. After the turn you will see a petrol station ahead on the right hand side. The café is next door.

Contacts: See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last walked:  03/12/2017

Cadarroeira and Alfeizeirão (alf11S) Read More »

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