
Famalicão – Circle to Rebelo & back (fam02S)

Rollercoaster from Famalicão to Rebolo & back

The walk starts along quiet roads, before crossing the motorway and transitioning to sandy tracks. The route is then a bit of a rollercoaster ride up and down hills which are steep in a few places. Poles are recommended for those who need them, and if it’s wet the lanes may become muddy so good walking footwear would be advised. We are surrounded by pine and eucalyptus woodland and later follow the motorway for a while on route to Rebolo. Then we cross back over the motorway and follow a quiet road and tracks back to the start point.

Wednesday 30/10 10:00


Meeting and start point

Parking place next to the Famalicão cemetery which lies just behind the farmácia

Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


The walk is about 8 km and is expected to take about 2,25 hours

Coffee stop

In Famalicão after the walk


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.


  • Walk leader: Mike Gray
  • mike@silvercoastwalks.com

Famalicão – Circle to Rebelo & back (fam02S) Read More »

Famalicão to Serra de Pescaria and back (fam05S)

Famalicão to Serra de Pescaria and back (fam05S)

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Date & Time

Wednesday 07/08 10:00

The Walk

A short walk from Famalicão on the shrubby slopes of Serra de Pescaria

The walk is along beaten-earth tracks and a stretch of quiet road. The countryside is hilly with a long ascent at the start and one fairly steep, shorter section. The countryside is open with low shrubs and some pine and eucalyptus trees. In wet weather some of the tracks may be muddy and slippery. Bring your poles and wear waterproof shoes.


The walk is about 6,5 km and is expected to take about 1,5 hours

Car meeting and start point

At the big parking place next to the cemetery which lies just behind the farmácia of Famalicão*
39.533936, -9.083311
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.

Coffee Stop

Coffee can be obtained at the end of the walk in Famalicão


  • Walk leader: Denise Gray
  • denise@silvercoastwalks.com
  • * Coming from São Martinho or Alfeizerão the farmácia is on the right hand side at the beginning of the village of Famalicão; the turn into the parking area is about 50 metres before the farmácia. You may see the cemetery as you enter Famalicão about 100 metres back from the main road.

Famalicão to Serra de Pescaria and back (fam05S) Read More »

Woodland walk at Macarca and Vale do Paraíso (fam14S)

Woodland walk at Macarca and Vale do Paraíso (fam14S)

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Date & Time

Wednesday 31/07 10:00

The Walk

This is a level walk through eucalyptus woodland and open fields

The ground is sandy with one stretch of long grass so waterproof footwear is recommended.  There is some walking on quiet roads through villages


The walk is about 5,5 km and is expected to take about 1,5  hrs

Car meeting and start point

In a cul-de-sac in Marcarca near to the motorway bridge39.518000, -9.089000

Walking route

NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps

Coffee Stop

At the end of the walk


  • Walk leader: Mike
  • mike@silvercoastwalks.com

Woodland walk at Macarca and Vale do Paraíso (fam14S) Read More »

Cela Velha to Casal Mota (fam04L)

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Date & Time

Friday 26/07 10:00

The Walk

Cela Velha, across the valley, up the ridge to Casal Mota

The starting point is Cela Velha in front of the railway station. The first part is on quiet roads across the valley through agricultural fields and then a climb up the coastal ridge to Casal Mota. After a short break the route descends by road to the valley near to the river Alcoa followed by a flat walk on quiet roads across the valley fields.


The walk is about 11 km and is expected to take about 3 hrs

Car meeting and start point

The railway station in Cela Velha (see notes)39.55310766618746, -9.054858268521956
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.

Coffee Stop

In Cela Velha at end of walk


  • Walk leader: Chris Coell
  • chris@silvercoastwalks.com
  • From São Martinho do Porto and Alfeizerão take the road to Nazaré. Pass through Famalicão and after about 3 to 4 km turn right to Cela Velha. You will cross the railway line after about 1km. Continue on the main road which turns to the left; after about 0,5 km you come to an open area with a modernist sculpture; turn left and you will see the station 50 metres in front.
  • From Cela Nova go downhill (in a westerly direction) to Cela Velha which is at the bottom of the ridge. In the centre of the village you will see an open area with a modernist sculpture and you will see the station 50 metres in front. The main road turns left at this point.

Cela Velha to Casal Mota (fam04L) Read More »

Famalicão, Rebolo to Raposos (fam01L)


Date & Time

Friday 07/06 10:00

The Walk

From Famalicão via Rebolo up the ridge to Raposos

The walk starts along sandy tracks, with loose sand in places on flat ground, through pine and eucalyptus woodland and open fields to Rebolo. There we cross the motorway and ascend the ridge by an overgrown track. The ascent is steep, but short and is followed by a muddy field. We join a road and enter Raposos. Next is an optional circuit of open orchards with fine views. We join the main road through the village and then make a steep descent on, earth tracks, back to the valley. The final stage is along a quiet, flat road.


The walk is 12 km and is expected to take about 3hrs

Car meeting and start point

At the big parking place next to the cemetery which lies just behind the farmácia. Coming from Sao Martinho or Alfeizerão the farmácia is on the right hand side before you reach the centre of the village of Famalicão. You should take a right turn off the main road about 30 metres before the farmácia. You may see the cemetery as you enter Famalicão about 100 metres back from the main road.39.534269, -9.083181
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.

Coffee Stop

In Bica


  • Walk leader: Chris Coell
  • chris@silvercoastwalks.com

Famalicão, Rebolo to Raposos (fam01L) Read More »

Famalição – Mata da Torre (fam03S)


Date & Time

Wednesday 29/05 10:00

The Walk

Nice views around Mata da Torre

We start in Famalição and via Rua Vale Formoso we walk direction Celha Velha ( Rua da Mata Torre) and keep the Mata da Torre (95 meter height) at our left side for a few kilometers and then pass under the A8 and return via de Fonte Santa.

The beginning of the walk is on streets, followed by woodland. The first part of the walk is relatively flat, the second part we will have uphill and downhill slopes, providing nice views.
Protection against sun might be recommended !


The walk is about 5,75 km and is expected to take about 2 hours

Car meeting and start point

We meet on the parking (new one) besides the entry of the Familação cimiteria close to the local cafeteria, in front of the Monumento ao Almirante Tamandari39.5348, -9.0824
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point

Coffee Stop

At the end of the parking is the Social Center of Familção where they have a large coffee shop


  • Walk leader: Georges Hoeterickx
  • georges@silvercoastwalks.com
  • +32 477 516370

Famalição – Mata da Torre (fam03S) Read More »

São Martinho to Macarca (smp05S)


Date & Time

Wednesday February 7, 10:30

The Walk

From São Martinho do Porto, on sandy tracks towards Macarca and return

The walk is mainly along sandy tracks, with loose sand in places, but expect some muddy spots after rain. The walking is on flat ground, goes through pine and eucalyptus woodland and open fields to Marcarca. We then we walk a short distance along the road before heading towards Vale do Paraiso along more tracks. There is then a further stretch of walking on a quiet road before rejoining tracks to head back to the start point.


The walk is about 7.5 km and is expected to take about 2 hours.

Car meeting and start point

Plenty of parking along a lane and quiet estate at the walk start point in São Martinho. Coming from São Martinho, drive straight over the roundabout by Intermarche supermarket heading towards Famalicão on the N242. After about 0.5km take the 1st right into the estate, turn left and then 1st right to the end of the estate to arrive at the start point for the walk.39,5170908, -9,1206891
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.

Coffee Stop

There are no coffee stops along the walk.


  • Walk leader: Denise Gray
  • mike@silvercoastwalks.com

São Martinho to Macarca (smp05S) Read More »

Famalicão to Macarca (fam04S)


Date & Time

Wednesday November 22, 10:30

The Walk

From Famalicão, on sandy tracks towards Macarca and return

The walk is along sandy tracks, with loose sand in places, but expect some muddy spots. The walking is on flat ground, goes through pine and eucalyptus woodland and open fields to Marcarca where we cross the road to return to Famalicão. There is some quiet road walking.


The walk is about 6 km and is expected to take about 1,45 hours

Car meeting and start point

Big parking place next to the cemetery which lies just behind the farmácia. Coming from São Martinho or Alfeizerão the farmácia is on the right hand side at the beginning of the village of Famalicão. You may see the cemetery as you enter Famalicão about 100 metres back from the main road.39.534269 -9.083181
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.

Coffee Stop

Coffee can be obtained at the end of the walk in Famalicão


  • Walk leader: Georges Hoeterickx
  • georges@silvercoastwalks.com

Famalicão to Macarca (fam04S) Read More »

Serra Pescaria, cliffs & Famalicâo (pes01L)

Long Walk: Serra Pescaria, cliffs & Famalicâo


1st April 2016

Walk location: The walk is on the cliffs and in the countryside around Serra da Pescaria which lies near the coast between São Martinho and Nazaré.

Car Meeting Point: Meet at 09:30 am by the open spaces on Rua da Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem, 100 yards north of the windmill with sail “spokes” on Serra da Pescaria, on the road between São Martinho do Porto and Nazaré. See the Notes section below for instructions to Serra da Pescaria.

Longitude: 39.548981°; 39.548981°

Latitude: -9.095844°; -9.095844°

Walk Start Point: The same as the car meeting point.

Car meeting point

The Walk: About 11 km on a circular route on beaten earth tracks. Some steep descents and ascents on the first part of the walk with views along the coast. On the land side of the ridge we descend towards Famalicão, but pass to the north of the Vila. The final part of the walk involves gentle ascents and descents back to Pescaria via Bom Jesus. There are some stretches of road walking on mostly quiet roads. If the weather is clear there will be fine views along the coast and inland.

The first part of the route follows a marked walk – PR2 (Pequena Rota 2) – managed by the Câmara of Nazaré.

At this time of the year we will come across some very muddy stretches with puddles. Also there is one steep descent. So appropriate footwear and walking poles are recommended.

Coffee Stop: In Pescaria at the end of the walk

Timing: The walk is about 11 km and is expected to take about 3 hrs, plus extra for the coffee stop.

Notes: Directions to Serra da Pescaria

Head for Famalicão, on the main road between São Martinho do Porto and Nazaré.  In the centre of Famalicão, turn west / uphill towards the sea, signposted to Serra da Pescaria and Praia de Salgado. Once at the top of the ridge, turn left at the cross roads. The windmill is 100 yards ahead of you. Parking spaces are on the right or left, after about 50 yards, next to a white house with green shutters.

Alternatively, from São Martinho do Porto, head up the road with the market on your left, 2nd turn right after the market, signposted towards Serra dos Mangues. Follow the road for about 7 km until you reach the windmill in Serra da Pescaria.

Contacts: See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Serra Pescaria, cliffs & Famalicâo (pes01L) Read More »

Famalicão, Rebolo & Raposos (fam08S)

Walk location:  Famalicão to Rebolo then Raposos on the slopes of the Vale de Cela.

Originator:  John

The Walk:  The walk is along beaten-earth tracks and rough ground which may be wet or muddy and possibly overgrown in places. We make a fairly steep climb towards Raposos followed by a short steep descent back to the valley. There is a short section of quiet road walking. Bring your walking poles and sturdy footwear.

Timing:  The walk is about 6 km and is expected to take about 2 hrs

Only the meeting point is shown on the map below:



Car Meeting Point:  At 10:30 am at the big parking place next to the cemetery which lies just behind the farmácia. Coming from São Martinho or Alfeizerão the farmácia is on the right hand side at the beginning of the village of Famalicão. You may see the cemetery as you enter Famalicão about 100 metres back from the main road.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude  39°32’3.37″N  Longitude    09° 4’59.45″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude  39.533936°     Longitude   -9.083311°

Walk Start Point:  The same as the car meeting point.

NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.

Coffee Stop:  Coffee can be obtained at the end of the walk.

Contact:   See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last Walked:  12/05/2010

Famalicão, Rebolo & Raposos (fam08S) Read More »

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