
Serra Pescaria to Famalicâo (fam10S)

Walk location:  A linear walk from Serra Pescaria to Famalicão on the shrubby slopes of Serra da Pescaria.

Originator:  John

The Walk:  The walk is along beaten-earth tracks and a stretch of quiet road.The countryside is hilly, with a couple of uphill sections, but mostly downhill. The countryside is open with good views, low shrubs and some pine and eucalyptus trees.

Timing:  The walk is about 6.5 km and is expected to take about 1.5 hrs, plus extra for coffee.


Car Meeting Point:  At 10:30 am at the big parking place next to the cemetery which lies just behind the farmácia. Coming from São Martinho or Alfeizerão the farmácia is on the right hand side at the beginning of the village of Famalicão; the turn into the parking area is about 50 metres before the farmácia. You may see the cemetery as you enter Famalicão about 100 metres back from the main road.

Deg, Min, Secs:    Latitude  39°32’2.17″N  Longitude   9° 4’59.92″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude  39.533936°     Longitude  -9.083311°

Walk Start Point: We will car-share to Serra da Pescaria to a roadside parking place just north of a café; it’s about 100 metres south of the cross-roads in Serra Pescaria.

Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude 39°32’56.33″N  Longitude 9° 5’45.04″W
Decimal Deg:    Latitude 39.548981°       Longitude -9.095844°

NB.  The two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.  You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.

Coffee Stop:  Coffee can be obtained at the end of the walk in Serra Pescaria or  Famalicão.

Contact:   See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last walked:  03/10/18


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Serra Pescaria, cliffs and Famalicão (pes15L)

Walk location: The walk is on the cliffs and in the countryside around Serra da Pescaria which lies near the coast between São Martinho and Nazaré.

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Serra Pescaria, cliffs and Famalicão (pes15L) Read More »

Famalicão to Raposos (fam11L)

Web page in construction

Walk location: The walk (2.5 hrs) from Famalicão is on farm tracks and roads with one climb to the ridge top.

Originator:  John

The Walk: It is initially through flat farmland to Rebolo and then climbs steeply to Raposos. We walk through Raposos and then descend through farmland and a wooded valley to Marcarca. We return to the start via a flat eucalyptus plantation. At Raposos there are fine views of São Martinho do Porto and the coast.

Timing: The walk is about 9km and is expected to take about 2.5 hrs, plus extra for coffee.


Car Meeting Point: At 9:30 am at the big parking place next to the cemetery which lies just behind the farmácia. Coming from São Martinho or Alfeizerão the farmácia is on the right hand side at the beginning of the village of Famalicão. You may see the cemetery as you enter Famalicão about 100 metres back from the main road.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude 39°32’3.37″N  Longitude 09° 4’59.45″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude  Longitude 

Walk Start Point: The same as the car meeting point.

NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.

Coffee Stop Coffee can be obtained at the end of the walk in Famalicão.

Contact:   See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last Walked:  

Famalicão to Raposos (fam11L) Read More »

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