Trilha pelo Vale do Furadouro (cad07L)

A beautiful walk on the Montejunto

The walk descends to a valley – in places the slope is 1:3 and is very uneven and rocky- then makes a fairly steep, ascent to the road on the edge of Pragança followed by a steep ascent – 1:5 in places – to the top.  The  tracks are clear of vegetation, and in wet weather, will be slippery on the steeper slopes.  So good shoes and walking poles are recommended.  Also plenty of water in hot weather.

Friday 22/11 10:00


Meeting and start point

Car park at top of Montejunto.  Drive past the army establishment (quartel) to the end of the road.

Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


The walk is about 9,5 km and is expected to take about 3,5 hours

Coffee Stop

Bar da Serra near the start/end point of the walk


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.


  • Walk leader: Geert Franken

Trilha pelo Vale do Furadouro (cad07L) Read More »