Long Walk: Serra Pescaria, cliffs & Famalicâo
1st April 2016
Walk location: The walk is on the cliffs and in the countryside around Serra da Pescaria which lies near the coast between São Martinho and Nazaré.
Car Meeting Point: Meet at 09:30 am by the open spaces on Rua da Nossa Senhora da Boa Viagem, 100 yards north of the windmill with sail “spokes” on Serra da Pescaria, on the road between São Martinho do Porto and Nazaré. See the Notes section below for instructions to Serra da Pescaria.
Longitude: 39.548981°; 39.548981°
Latitude: -9.095844°; -9.095844°
Walk Start Point: The same as the car meeting point.
Car meeting point
The Walk: About 11 km on a circular route on beaten earth tracks. Some steep descents and ascents on the first part of the walk with views along the coast. On the land side of the ridge we descend towards Famalicão, but pass to the north of the Vila. The final part of the walk involves gentle ascents and descents back to Pescaria via Bom Jesus. There are some stretches of road walking on mostly quiet roads. If the weather is clear there will be fine views along the coast and inland.
The first part of the route follows a marked walk – PR2 (Pequena Rota 2) – managed by the Câmara of Nazaré.
At this time of the year we will come across some very muddy stretches with puddles. Also there is one steep descent. So appropriate footwear and walking poles are recommended.
Coffee Stop: In Pescaria at the end of the walk
Timing: The walk is about 11 km and is expected to take about 3 hrs, plus extra for the coffee stop.
Notes: Directions to Serra da Pescaria
Head for Famalicão, on the main road between São Martinho do Porto and Nazaré. In the centre of Famalicão, turn west / uphill towards the sea, signposted to Serra da Pescaria and Praia de Salgado. Once at the top of the ridge, turn left at the cross roads. The windmill is 100 yards ahead of you. Parking spaces are on the right or left, after about 50 yards, next to a white house with green shutters.
Alternatively, from São Martinho do Porto, head up the road with the market on your left, 2nd turn right after the market, signposted towards Serra dos Mangues. Follow the road for about 7 km until you reach the windmill in Serra da Pescaria.
Contacts: See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.