Serra dos Candeeiros

Alvados to Sao Bento (sec20L)

Alvados to Sao Bento (sec20L)


Date & Time

Friday 20 December 2024 10:00

The Walk

A circular walk from the church in Alvados to Sao Bento, and then back via a different route

The walk starts at the church (“Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Consolação, Alvados) in the village and is signposted (as PR3.1) to Sao Bento. It starts with a fairly steep ascent, along a narrow path and offers good views of the surrounding countryside. Then there is a fairly steady descent into the village of Sao Bento.

Having stopped briefly in the village, we then take a different route out of the village (following PR3 signs) – this is a longer, fairly steady ascent again with good scenic views. The walk concludes with a fairly steep ascent down a rocky path before strolling through the Alvados village back to the start point.

Poles and walking shoes are recommended for those who need them. Bring your own refreshments as there are no coffee stops en route.


The walk is about 14 km and is expected to take about 4 hrs.

Car meeting and start point

Next to the church in Alvados (post code 2480-032)39.54819750487221, -8.771260233346208


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps

Coffee Stop

After the walk in Alvados or Porto de Mós


  • Last Walked: New Walk
  • Originator: Mike Gray

Alvados to Sao Bento (sec20L) Read More »

Bezerra Ecopista – Serra dos Candeeiros (sec18L)

Challenging walk to the Porta do Vento

This circular walk is based on the Ecopista track & starts near Bezzera at the location of the old railway station & football field.

The walk start on the easy track. We then ascend to explore the hills with good views across the valley. Returning to the main track – we walk to the end with views to Porto de Mos. A 2nd short ascent takes us to the feature Doorway, before completing the circuit back to the start point.

Links-Information on

Friday 08/11 10:00


Meeting and start point

Campo de Futebol, Bezerra

Click on coordinates to open Google Maps

Car sharing

CAR SHARE as the walk in the Serra dos Candeeiros is the other side of Porto de Mós I suggest optional car share from Alcobaca. Try 08:45? And meet at The car park on the opposite sie of the road to Pingo Doce, BP Burger King and Aldi. (39.5465, -8.9710)


The walk is about 13 km and is expected to take about 3.5 hours

Coffee Stop

Coffee/lunch-after the walk-back in Porto de Mos at Esplanada Jardim*


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.


  • Walk leader: Chris Coell
  • *Esplanada Jardim: Suggest park at Avenida Dr. Licinio Moreira da Silva then walk across the park & bridge to the riverside café.

Bezerra Ecopista – Serra dos Candeeiros (sec18L) Read More »

São Bento (sec01S)


Date & Time

Wednesday 20/03, 10:15

São Bento

The Walk

A circular walk on a high plateau in the Candeeiros

For this walk we will rendezvous at Parque Verde in Alcobaça and consolidate into fewer cars for the 30 min. drive to the starting point as there is limited parking in São Bento.

São Bento is located on the Santo António Plateau, which separates Serra D’Aire from Serra dos Candeeiros. Here, karst, rugged landscapes with unmistakable panoramic beauty predominate, with the added value of having a very rich landscape and environmental heritage.

The limestone nature of the rock, associated with the absence of watercourses on the surface, creates a landscape that gives the mountain a strong personality, both due to the particularities of the natural aspects and the uniqueness of the uses and customs of the population. Water, the source of life, is scarce on the surface – when it rains, it is swallowed by the earth, with only a small part of it being retained in lagoons, sinks and cisterns. Faults, tears and cracks in the rock allow water to infiltrate the soil, entering a vast and complex network of underground watercourses, which run through the mountain internally.

The tracery of the loose stone walls mark the landscape and reflect the human need to protect crops and obtain arable land. The stone-on-stone houses and corrals portray the way in which rural workers and their livestock sheltered, according to ancestral Neolithic styles.


The walk is about 7,75 km and is expected to take about 2,0 hr

Meeting point 10:15

Because of a lack of parking spaces in São Bento we need to car share! We are gathering in Alcobaça at 10:15

Parque Verde Car Park, Rua Costa Veiga, Alcobaca 2460-028

The meeting point is at the car park on the opposite site of the road to Pingo Doce, BP Burger King and Aldi.
39.5465, -8.9710
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps

Walk starting point 10:45

Igreja de São Bento39.527449, -8.790047
Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.

Coffee Stop

After the walk in Alcobaça.


  • Walk leader: Flynn Wendling

São Bento (sec01S) Read More »

Arrimal, Arco de Memória and Serra de Lua (sec30L)

Arrimal, Arco de Memória and Serra de Lua (sec30L)


Date & Time

Friday 15/03 2024 10:30

The Walk

A long walk from Arrimal in the Serra dos Candeeiros – between Rio Maior and Porto do Mós

The walk is along fairly rough tracks and some tarred roads. The first part (6 km) includes one fairly gentle, but long ascent of about 150 metres in height. We return to the start point and continue the walk on the other side of the valley (7.5 km) with another long ascent to the top. The terrain is limestone with open views along fairly rough tracks and some tarred roads and may be overgrown in places.


The walk is about 13.5 km and is expected to take about 4 hrs, plus any extra for stops.

Car meeting and start point

At the small lake (Pequena Lagoa) in the Centre of Arrimal nearby the social centre*39.492747, -8.876500


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps

Coffee Stop

Local restaurant afterwards


  • Walk leader: Chris Coell
  • * Arrimal is situated to the east of the IC2 main road, about half way between Rio Maior and Porto do Mós. It lies in a valley on the eastern side of the long ridge of the Serra dos Candeeiros hills.
    • From Caldas da Rainha head for Rio Maior and take the IC2 north, direction Leiria. And after about 20 km turn right onto a minor road signposted Vale de Ventos.
    • Vale de Ventos is at the top of the ridge and then you descend into a valley to Arrimal. You enter Arrimal at the southern end. The lake (Pequena Lagoa) is at the northern end of Arrimal.
    • From São Martinho do Porto the easy route is the IC9 and south on the IC2 then left through Vale do Ventos.

Arrimal, Arco de Memória and Serra de Lua (sec30L) Read More »

Circuit of Fórnea, Serra dos Candeeiros (sec17L)

Circuit of Fórnea, Serra dos Candeeiros (sec17L)


Date & Time

Friday February 16 10:00

The Walk

The walk is initially on the flat, and then starts a medium ascent on the edge of the ridge.

The walk is initially on the flat, and then starts a medium ascent on the edge of the ridge. Once on top of the ridge we walk to the edge of the amphitheatre, see photo above, with excellent views down the steep slope. We make a further, steep climb and then descend via a track into a valley and return to the start point.


 The walk is about 10 km and is expected to take about 3.5 hrs.

Car meeting and start point

A lay-by on the right side (N243) opposite a left turn to Alcaria 39.56888150707948, -8.794270865303801
Optional Car sharing from Alcobaça
At the Parque Verde next to Pingo Doce at 09:1539.546318607024844, -8.970233336428308


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps

Coffee Stop

After the walk in Porto do Mós


  • Walk leader: Chris Coell

Circuit of Fórnea, Serra dos Candeeiros (sec17L) Read More »

Alvados to Sao Bento (sec20L)

Alvados to Sao Bento (sec20L)


Date & Time

Friday 10 February 2023 10:00

The Walk

A circular walk from the church in Alvados to Sao Bento, and then back via a different route

The walk starts at the church (“Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Consolação, Alvados) in the village and is signposted (as PR3.1) to Sao Bento. It starts with a fairly steep ascent, along a narrow path and offers good views of the surrounding countryside. Then there is a fairly steady descent into the village of Sao Bento.

Having stopped briefly in the village, we then take a different route out of the village (following PR3 signs) – this is a longer, fairly steady ascent again with good scenic views. The walk concludes with a fairly steep ascent down a rocky path before strolling through the Alvados village back to the start point.

Poles and walking shoes are recommended for those who need them. Bring your own refreshments as there are no coffee stops en route.


The walk is about 14 km and is expected to take about 4 hrs.

Car meeting and start point

Next to the church in Alvados (post code 2480-032)39.54819750487221, -8.771260233346208


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps

Coffee Stop

After the walk in Porto de Mós


Alvados to Sao Bento (sec20L) Read More »

Ecopista Porto de Mós, Bezerra (sec/mw01)

Walk location: A valley and ridge walk by Porto do Mós.

Originator:  Morag

The Walk:  The first part of the walk follows a valley then a steep climb from the valley to the top of the ridge with views to the west and east.  This walk is a small variation on the route for sec??L with a different start point.

Timing:  The walk is about 12 km and is expected to take about 3.5 hrs


Car Meeting Point:  At the start point of the Ecopista at 10 am.  The Ecopista is signposted from the main road coming from the IC2. There is side of the road parking by the last houses on the way up if you are uncomfortable with driving on the gravel section. You can call Morag on her mobile number (967660318) if you have difficulty locating the meeting point.  The coordinates, below, show the location of the side of the road parking.

Deg, Min, Secs:   Latitude  39°35’48.94″N  Longitude   8°49’56.01″W
Decimal Deg:      Latitude  39.596928°       Longitude  -8.832225°

Walk Start Point:  At the parking space on the Ecopista. 

Contact:  Morag 967660318

Last Walked:  25/10/2019.

Ecopista Porto de Mós, Bezerra (sec/mw01) Read More »

Long – Fórnea to Livramento and Alcaria (sec23L)

Walk location:  Walk in the hills near to Porto do Mós – the northern Gateway to the Serra dos Candeeiros.

Originator:  John

The Walk:  The first 2,5 km is downhill along a stream valley . We cross the main road near to Porto do Mós and make quite a steep climb out of  the valley, followed by an undulating track then uphill to Alcaria.  We walk through Alcaria on quiet roads, mostly downhill, back to the walk start point.

Timing:  The walk is about 11km and is expected to take about 4 hrs


Car Meeting Point:   We meet at the Intermarché supermarket on the edge of Porto do Mós at 09:15 am. There is a 15 minute drive to the walk start point.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude 39°35’56.54″N Longitude 8°49’27.00″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude ° Longitude °

Walk Start Point:  A lay-by on the right side opposite a left turn to Alcaria.
From Porto do Mós take the road signposted Mira d’Aire and after 5.25 km you will see a parking space on the right with a sign board indicating the start point for walk PR6.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude 39°34’7.67″N Longitude 8°47’39.29″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude ° Longitude °

NB.  The one or two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.  You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.

Coffee Stop:  There is a restaurant in Alcaria and a bar at the finish point.

Notes:  Directions to Porto do Mós – Intermarché supermarket From the IC2/N1 follow signs to Porto do Mós (you will see the castle). As you enter the town from the south side you will see an Intermarché supermarket on the RHS, next to a roundabout.

Contact:   See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last Walked:  28/07/2019

Long – Fórnea to Livramento and Alcaria (sec23L) Read More »

Olho de Agua, ridge and Chãos (sec35L)

Walk location:   Near Alcobertas

Originator:  John

The Walk:  The first part is based on a walk documented in the Guia Percursos Pedestres for the Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiras (PNSAC) as walk PR2 – Rio Maior.It involves a long (350m) climb – steep and uneven in places – almost to the ridge where the wind turbines are placed.  Good boots and poles are recommended.

The next 2 km is a flat walk on the top of the ridge followed by a steep, rocky, descent to Chãos.  On the way we pass an entrance to a cave.

From Chãos there is a short stretch of road then a gentle descent down a path back to the start.

Timing:  The walk is about 11.5 km and is expected to take about 4 hrs.

Car Meeting Point:  At Olho de Agua, just outside Alcobertas, at 09:30 am.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude 39°25’34.97″N  Longitude   8°54’20.38″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude  39.426381°      Longitude   -8.905661°

Walk Start Point:  The same as the car meeting point.

NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.

Coffee Stop:   In Chãos near the end of the walk.

Contact:   See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last Walked:  21/02/2020


Olho de Agua, ridge and Chãos (sec35L) Read More »

Alcobertas to Arrimal  (sec11L)

Web page in construction

Walk location:  A linear walk from Alcobertas in the Serra dos Candeeiros – between Rio Maior and Porto do Mós.

Originator:  John

The Walk:  The first part is based on a walk documented in the Guia Percursos Pedestres for the Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiras (PNSAC) as walk PR2 – Rio Maior.It involves a long (350m) climb – steep and uneven in places – almost to the ridge where the wind turbines are placed. There is a 1.25 km section of quiet road then another ascent along a track to the highest point of the walk. The rest of the walk is downhill following footpaths.

Timing: The walk is about 11 km and is expected to take about 4 hrs.

Car Meeting Point:  At 09:00 am at the small lake (Pequena Lagoa) in the Centre of Arrimal. There is a large social centre almost opposite the lake. Note that there are two lakes separated by 1 km so look for the social centre. See the Notes section for directions to Arrimal.  Arrimal is about 45 minutes by car from the Caldas da Rainha area.

Deg, Min, Secs:   Latitude 39°29’34.21″N  Longitude 8°52’34.59″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude ° Longitude °

Walk Start Point:  We drive to Olho de Água on the outskirts of Alcobertas. This place is a small, open area with a small area of water which is the source of a stream.

Deg, Min, Secs:   Latitude 39°25’35.54″N  Longitude 8°54’20.13″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude ° Longitude °

NB.  The two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.  You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.

Coffee Stop:  Take water. The social club in Arrimal may be open at the finish point.

Notes:  Arrimal is situated to the east of the IC2 main road, about half way between Rio Maior and Porto do Mós. It lies in a valley on the eastern side of the long ridge of the Serra dos Candeeiros hills.

From Caldas da Rainha head for Rio Maior and take the IC2 north, direction Leiria. And after about 20 km turn right onto a minor road signposted Vale de Ventos and Arrimal.

Vale de Ventos is at the top of the ridge and then you descend into a valley to Arrimal. You enter Arrimal at the southern end. The lake (Pequena Lagoa) is at the northern end of Arrimal.

From São Martinho do Porto head for Nazaré and take the IC9 towards Tomar.  Leave the IC9 for the IC2 south and after about 10 km turn left signposted Vale de Ventos and Arrimal. See the paragraph above for directions to Arrimal.

Contact:   See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last Walked:  30/12/2016

Alcobertas to Arrimal  (sec11L) Read More »

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