Walk location: Through the pine & eucalyptus woods to the coast to the north of Serra dos Mangues.
Author: John.
The Walk: This is about 6.5 kms, a circular route. There is a gentle ascent to the cliff where there are fine views all round (subject to no sea mist). We follow the cliff northwards for about 1.5 kms then descend to the start point. There is some walking on quiet roads. We pass through the village of Serra dos Mangues on the outward and return path. The walk is along sandy and earth tracks with some (quiet) road walking. In wet weather waterproof shoes are recommended and poles if you use them because it will be slippery in places.
Timing: The actual walk will take about 1.5 hours, plus extra for coffee.
Car Meeting Point: The car park of the Pão do Ló café, close to the Alfeizerão A8 auto-estrada exit, at 10:15 am. We drive about 5 km in the direction of Nazaré and Famalicão.
Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude 39°29’52.97″N Longitude 9° 5’44.25″W
Decimal Deg: Latitude 39.498047° Longitude -9.095625°
Walk Start Point:
We will park by the main road.
Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude 39°31’24.82″N Longitude 9° 6’42.44″W
Decimal Deg: Latitude 39.523561° Longitude -9.111789°
NB. The two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points. If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps. You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.
Coffee Stop: No stops during the walk.
Contact: See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.
Last Walked: 11/01/17