São Domingos (mat04S)

Walk location:  The ridge on the eastern side of the Caldas valley overlooking Tornada.

Originator: John.

The Walk:  The walk follows the ridge on grassy tracks with fine views, looking down into the Caldas valley; then we turn inland to walk on the east side of the ridge with views towards Barrantes.  We walk along the road through the village then retrace our steps along the same ridge as at the start.  

This is a hilly walk with some steep descents – particularly at the start – and ascents so bring your walking poles; some of the paths will be overgrown.

Timing:  The walk is about 5 km and is expected to take about 1.5 hrs, plus extra for coffee.


Car Meeting Point:  We meet at 10:15 am square by the Junta in Tornada (on the N8 north of Caldas da Rainha). Turn left/right at the Tornada traffic lights when coming from Alfeizerão/Caldas da Rainha. From here we may need to car share because of limited space at the start point.

Deg, Min, Secs:    Latitude  39°26’50.71″N    Longitude   9° 7’40.10″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude  39.447419°         Longitude  -9.127806°

Walk Start Point:  The social centre car park at São Domingos – there is limited parking space: 15 cars .

Deg, Min, Secs:    Latitude  39°27’33.75″N   Longitude  9° 6’50.75″W
Decimal Deg:       Latitude  39.459375°        Longitude  -9.114097°

NB. The two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.  You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.

Coffee Stop: There is a cafe in Tornada.

Notes:  Coming from Caldas on the N8 you pass a row of shops on the left (with a farmácia) and turn right at the traffic lights. You will see a church and health centre building on your left.

Coming from Alfeizerão on the N8 you turn left at the traffic lights.

Contacts:  See the walks email for telephone contact, otherwise you can use the silvercoastwalks email from the web site.

Last walked: 12/06/19

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