Reguengo Grande, Pó, Columbeira (obi06S)

Walk location:  A linear walk through the countryside from Reguengo Grande to Columbeira, which is a few kms to the south of Óbidos.

Originator:  John.

The Walk:  We walk to the centre of the town and follow the river Galvão along an attractive, rocky valley (O Vale Cornaga) to Pó, then we follow a track back to Columbeira.
Most of the route is downhill.

Timing:  The walk is about 5 km and is expected to take about 2 hrs including positioning of cars, plus extra for coffee. 


Car Meeting Point: The lay by at the southern end of Columbeira, just before the road enters the valley, at 10:15. We car share for the few kilometres drive to Reguengo Grande.

If you don’t know the location of the meeting point in Columbeira, I will be at the car park adjacent to the aqueduct car park at the southern end of Óbidos at 10:00 am (on the south side of the roundabout).
We will drive on to Columbeira and leave some cars there as it is the finishing point.

Deg, Min, Secs:  Latitude 39°18’13.93″N   Longitude  9°11’54.06″W
Decimal Deg:     Latitude °       Longitude °

Walk Start Point:  The tourist car park on the outskirts of Reguengo Grande.
There is a small museum and tourist shop there.

Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude N Longitude W
Decimal Deg: Latitude ° Longitude °

NB.  The two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points.  If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.  You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.

Coffee Stop:  There is a café in the centre of Columbeira.

Contact:   See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.

Last walked:  18/01/2017

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