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Walk location: A walk on the land side of the ridge around Serra Pescaria and Venda Nova which lies near the coast between São Martinho and Nazaré.
Originator: John
The Walk: A circular route on beaten earth tracks and quiet roads through open countryside. There are some descents and ascents on parts of the walk with good views inland and the coast. There will be some overgrown stretches with brambles to catch the feet.
Timing: The walk is about 5 km and is expected to take about 1.5hrs
Car Meeting Point:
Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude N Longitude W
Decimal Deg: Latitude ° Longitude °
Walk Start Point:
Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude N Longitude W
Decimal Deg: Latitude ° Longitude °
NB. The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point. If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps.
Coffee Stop:
Contact: See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.
Last walked: 12/10/2016