Walk location: A 10 km walk (3 hrs) on the ridge above Olho Marinho
Originator: John
The Walk: At the start of the walk the track goes up the ridge and then through flat, open -wooded country to Cesaredas & Reguengo Grande. We follow the river Galvão downhill and then climb back up to the ridge and descend to the start point along a narrow, wooded path.
Timing: The walk is about 10 km and is expected to take about 3 hrs.
Car Meeting Point: The roundabout at the Amoreira exit from the IP6 at 09:15 am. See the Notes section below for directions.
Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude 39°19’58.06″N Longitude 9°15’24.90″W
Decimal Deg: Latitude 39.332794° Longitude -9.256917°
Walk Start Point: We drive 5 km in convoy towards Pó.
Deg, Min, Secs: Latitude 39°18’19.54″N Longitude 9°13’0.70″W
Decimal Deg: Latitude 39.305428° Longitude -9.216861°
NB. The one or two flags on the map above show the car meeting and walk start points. If you need directions, click on the flag to display the flag text and click on the itinéraire link to open Google Maps. You may need to zoom out to see the second flag.
Coffee Stop: We can take coffee in Reguengo Grande.
Notes: Directions to meeting point:
From Caldas da Rainha take the A8 south (towards Lisboa). After passing Óbidos take the IP6 to Peniche. Take the first exit signed Amoreira. Turn right at the first roundabout and park on the edge of the road.
This route is based on routes put together by Bill & Liz and Nico.
Contact: See the walks’ email for contact telephone numbers or send an email from the web site.
Last walked: 16/08/2019