Serra Pescaria and Venda Nova (pes16S)

A ridge walk overlooking the sea north of São Martinho do Porto

The first half of the walk is on the land side of the coastal ridge and follows tracks and quiet roads.  For the second half we join the sea side of the coastal ridge with fine views inland and along the coast.  This section has gentle, uphill ascents and follows tracks.  In wet weather there will be muddy spots and wet undergrowth.

Wednesday 21/08 10:00

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Car meeting and start point

We meet at a roadside parking place just north of café Padaria 33. it’s about 100 metres before the cross-roads in Serra Pescaria.

Click on coordinates to open Google Maps


The walk is about 6 km and is expected to take about 2 hours

Coffee Stop

There is a café at the walk end – they would appreciate your purchase of a drink.


NB.  The flag on the map above shows the car meeting and walk start point.


  • Walk leader: Flynn Wendling
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